Author Guidelines

Author’s Guidelines

As indicated in the background the objective is to present the work exactly how the writer wants the research to be published.

We do not stipulate that a particular writing style must be followed.

Your work should be formatted the way you want.

We encourage writers to use simple English so that their work can be understood by the widest possible audience.

We will publish your thesis, your research paper, your case study, and if you wish to propose a hypothesis for a particular outcome we will also publish that.

We do not stipulate the maximum length of the work as that will depend on the subject. We want your work to fully explore the subject.

We encourage innovation and alternate views to mainstream thinking as we want you to expand your knowledge and that of other researchers.

As you can appreciate for the integrity of the site we will need your email and contact details that will be kept private if requested. Your work will be vetted before being published to avoid inappropriate material being posted. This vetting time will be kept to the shortest possible time-frame.  We will have your work Peer Reviewed but can assure you that all reviewers have the same open mind with regard to the presentation of the material..

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